Cash Advance Pro Updates

Customers on our prepaid technical support program receive complimentary software updates.  Contact us for the password or ask us for assistance in updating your system.  Customers not on our prepaid support program may purchase software updates.

Cash Advance Pro Update 5.82

This software is meant to update Cash Advance Pro Version 5.5 or newer to Version 5.82. 

Lite or single user versions only need to run the following software:

Full versions need to update in two steps: First update the database server, and next update the client application.

Updating the database server (nxServer.exe):

Note: If your system has a blue cylinder icon in the system tray (the group of icons in the lower right corner usually, near the clock), please right click on it and choose exit BEFORE running the server update. 

If updating from version 5.7, update the database server using the following software:

or if updating from the older version 5.5, use the following update instead:

Updating the client application (Cap.exe): 

After updating the database server, then update the Cap.exe client program using the following software:

Latest Test Versions for Beta release of Cash Advance Pro 5.83

Update both the Database Server and Client Application: 

Update only the Database Server:

Patch Beta Version of Cash Advance Pro

Minor Patch of released version of Cash Advance Pro

Minor Patch of released Light Versions of Cash Advance Pro


Cash Advance Pro Update 5.7

This software is meant to update Cash Advance Pro Version 5.5 or newer to Version 5.7.  Lite or single user versions only need to run the following software:

Full versions need to update in two steps:  First, update the database server using the following software:

Next, update the Cap.exe client program using the following software.

Cash Advance Pro Update 5.6

This software is meant to update Cash Advance Pro Version 5.5 to Version 5.6.


Cash Advance Pro Update 5.5

This software is meant to update version 5.4 or newer to version 5.5.   This update should be done after End of Day processing before any transactions are posted or there may be a problem reversing transactions done prior to the update.  Versions 5.3x uses an older version of the Database Server (nxServer – NexusDB Version 2) and these systems might be updated directly to 5.5 depending on how nxServer is installed.  If updating from 5.3x, it is recommended to stop nxServer first by looking for it in the system tray, right click and choose exit.  If version 5.3x of nxServer is installed as a service, then stop it (Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services / Look for NexusDB Server) and uninstall it first.  After the update is finished, install the new version of nxServer as a service by running nxServerInstall.bat as an administrator.  Alternatively, use the update package called UpdateCashAdvancePro55-NoSvc.exe which will install the new Database Server, nxServer.exe, as a service automatically after completion.  All future versions from 5.5 onward expect to have nxServer installed as a service.

UpdateCashAdvancePro55.exe  – This update assumes the database server is installed already as a service prior to running the update.  If it is not, then nxServerInstall.bat must be run as an administrator to install the database server as a service.

UpdateCashAdvancePro55-NoSrvc.exe – Installs the database server as a Service upon completion of the update for those systems that currently do not have nxServer.exe installed as a service.

Cash Advance Pro Upgrade to Version 5

Version 5.0 is a major upgrade over the 4.x versions of Cash Advance Pro. The database server software has been changed from FlashFiler to NexusDB Version 2.x.  Also, the Report Builder components have been upgraded significantly. This update is actually more like a conversion and requires scheduling with our office to ensure a smooth transition to the new software. Users need to have updated their Cash Advance Pro system to version 4.92 prior to updating to version 5.0. If the end user has any customized forms and reports, these will require special attention to convert them over for use by version 5.0.



Upgrade to Cash Advance Pro 5 Instructions

Legacy Updates

See Software Revision History regarding legacy updates used to bring very old versions forward to the new version of the software.





Cash Advance Pro Software Revision History